Membership FAQs
How do I become a member?
Those hired as School Administrators and/or Program Specialists with the NLESD become automatic members with automatic deduction. This is done twice a year, first payment is $35.00, then there is another deduction of $15.00
To withdraw membership you can choose to ‘Opt Out’. You are required to contact the current SAC Provincial President directly to opt out.
What is the annual membership fee?
- Category A: Full Membership – NLTA Members – $50.00
- Category B: Associate Membership – $50.00
- Category C: Student or Retired Member – $25.00
- Category D: Lifelong Members Recipients – FREE
How do I pay my membership fees?
For the Department of Education employees, payment is made through automatic payroll deduction. This is a one-time deduction normally deducted each December. In order to remain a member, this fee must be made by October 15th of each year.
How do I know if I am a member?
If you are a member, you should be receiving correspondence such as emails and/or newsletters, as this is how the executive normally communicates with its members. Check with Christina Hearn via e-mail ( if you would like to check your status or update your e-mail address.
What if I want to stop automatic payroll deduction?
To withdraw membership and its benefits please make email contact with the president ( before October 15th indicating your request and reason for discontinuing membership.
When I retire, is my membership automatically cancelled?
Retirees continue to be valued members of our association and are encouraged to maintain their membership. If you would like to discontinue your membership upon retirement, you should notify the President of SAC. (
As of 2016, the annual fee for a retired member is only $25. You can pay your membership fee via paypal. To remain a member please complete the membership application.
Any further questions please contact Leanne Morrissey at